This week's topic is for our soldiers. Our soldiers have giving their time and even their lives to fight and protect our country. Do we show our appreciation? Sometimes I think that we don't. Sometimes we take them for granted. Do we even take the time to say thank you? Our soldiers are forced to leave their families behind to defend us, some marriages even fall apart because having our men and women overseas puts a burden on their love ones hearts.
There are families that need our support because they have love ones overseas right now. Parents are losing their sons and daughters, some parents don't want to have to go through this because they view it as the sons and daughter should be burying them not the other way around. Same goes for the wives and husbands that have love ones fighting this war too. They are losing their love ones everyday. Now I think that we all take it very hard when something like this happens, but I feel for the children most of all. Some children don't even get to know about their parents, because their parents are taking away from them so fast. One thing that I can say to these children is that their parents went to war to protect them and that are very brave to do so. I think as a nation we should reach out to the families that have lost someone in this war and show them that we all care and thankful for their brave love ones that are defending us.
With our men and women at war defending and protecting our country and even dying do it, its ashame that we still fight amongs ourselves today. Some of us should be ashamed because our soldiers are dying everyday in this war to protect it and make it a safe place for us to live and we are back here destroying it by fight with our fellow Americans. We have people everyday robbing, killing, and fighting each other over nothing and it needs to end, with us doing these things we are showing our soldiers that we don't care that they are actually fighting for a purpose. It took the worst day of our lives to bring us together and show that we are stronger when we stand tall and fight together and not against each other, it shouldn't have to take all that for us to really see the real picture, because it was there in front of us the whole time we were just to blind and stubborn to see it. We all need to stop and think about what our soldiers are fighting for.
Some people protest and are against this war, and they have the right to voice their opinions just like we all do, but since are soldiers are over there fighting everyday to defend and protect our Country, we should take the time and give them our support and show them that we care.
So when you see a soldier and their families, take the time to say thank you, and tell them that we are blessed to have you.
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